Most of Candy’s books have an underlying moral: be the best you, you can be, be what you want to be, no one can make a fool of you without help from you, share, play nice together, cleanliness, and being the best you can be, etc. Some are simply entertaining or informative.

Weeds & Flowers
Candy Cow is not an ordinary cow. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves. She has a good sense of humor and is usually upbeat. She likes to joke and say puns or plays on words. She also uses the “moo” word wherever it can fit like “mooovies.”
In Weeds & Flowers, Candy tries to do something sweet for her mom and learns that not everyone thinks the same way. When some of her friends tease her, she decides to go off to think. After hearing from a few other creatures, she learns that she needs to make up her own mind.

Silly Cow
WHAT!!! A cow saying cluck, cluck!?!?
Candy is being silly. She’s not an ordinary cow and when she is silly, she is REALLY silly. For fun one day she walks around the barnyard saying, “cluck, cluck.”
She “quacks” up everyone and they all get in on the joke too. Her barnyard friends play along.
By the end of the day ducks are oinking, chickens baa, sheep quack, and everyone is rolling on the ground laughing.

My Friends’ Books

The Cacklecoggler
By: Kyle A. Johnson
Not all monsters are what you think.
For years, the townspeople of Yorkdale have feared a monster in the woods. After all, he has teeth “sharp as knives” and “poisonous spikes.” When Anna gets hurt playing near the woods, she comes face to face with THE CACKLECOGGLER.
Are the rumors true?

Princess Candy & the Mysterious Visitor
Candy Cow is not an ordinary cow. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves. She also makes up stories to entertain her friends on the farm.
One day she told the story of Princess Candy who learns that sometimes critters aren’t what they seem and that you can’t judge a book by its cover.

Candy & the Stars
Candy Cow is not an ordinary cow. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves.
She has a good sense of humor and is usually up-beat, but today, Candy is having a bad day. She bumps her head, spills her breakfast on her clothes, and makes mistakes on her spelling test. Candy decides not to let her bad day get her down though. She turns it around. Find out how!

Candylocks & the Three Hares
Candy is definitely not ordinary. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves. One day she was at the library reading a story to all the calves in calftergarten. It was called Candylocks and the Three Hares.
Candylocks goes for a walk in the woods, and finds a hidden cottage. She ends up making some mistakes, but the cute hares living there help her see there is a good side and a bad side to everything.

Candy’s Words of Wisdom
Candy Cow is not an ordinary cow. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves.
One day she was feeling philosophical. She was sitting under a tree on a quiet afternoon with a paper and pencil and she just started writing down any thing that came to her mind. She decided to share these thoughts with anyone who wanted to hear them.

Candy & Veronica’s Visit
Candy is not an ordinary cow. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves.
Candy’s friend Veronica comes over after a tough day at school because she wouldn’t share. While polishing Veronica’s hooves Candy shares some of her big-girl knowledge about how being sad for a bit makes the happy times even better.

Sly’s Not a Bad Egg
Meet Sylvester Fox. His nickname is Sly. He’s a jailbird…well, sort of. He was shy and misunderstood. Other critters started picking on him and calling him names. They said he was a BAD EGG.
Finally, he decided that is everyone thought he was a bad egg, he’d become one. This is the story of how a misunderstood fox pup made a BIG mistake, and then turned himself around.

Candy’s New Friend
Candy is not an ordinary cow. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves.
It just so happened that Candy was out picking blackberries that grew wild near the creek, near the field, near the field where Sly was picking up rocks. It also happened that Candy got caught in the pricker bushes of the blackberry patch right when Sly was passing by. Sly helped Candy out and they became friends.

Candy & Sylvester: The Case of the Mooching Eggnapper
Who done it?!?! Candy Cow is not an ordinary cow. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves.
Candy’s friend Sly, has an interesting past. He decides to put his skills to good use and become a private investigator. In his first case he works with his friends to find the eggnapper hassling Farmer Ted.