Let the farm fun begin! Meet Candy and her friends. You can also download the characters to color them for yourself or see other activities on the free downloads page.
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Candy Cow
Candy is the main character. She is not an ordinary cow. She wears cool clothes and flowers in her hair, and sometimes even polishes her hooves. She has a good sense of humor and is usually up-beat. She likes to joke and say puns or plays on words. She uses the “moo” word wherever it can fit like “mooovies.”
Her home is outside a village called Crossingville, in a beautiful valley with rolling hills, open fields, woods, berry patches, and gentile streams. She lives in a huge barn.

Wooly Bully
Wooly Bully is friends with Candy. He is a curly headed, sweet, thoughtful musician. He’s a little husky, usually always smiling, wonderfully talented (plays the horn), and very intelligent. One day he will wear wire-rimmed sunglasses, the next day he will wear a flowered shirt, and the next you may find him walking a few friends home from school. He’s not really very athletic because he prefers to spend his time practicing or playing music.

Henrietta Hen & Chester Rooster
Henrietta Hen and Chester Rooster are quite older (mature) and sort of rule the roost, so to speak, in the farmyard. They have been around the longest and pretty much understand everything that goes on. They are nice, have pleasant personalities, and they seem like everyone’s grandparents.

Rockette Pig
Rockette Pig is a mother pig many times over. She used to watch old Charlie Chan movies on television and thought he had a good idea about naming his children Number One Son and Number Two Son. Rockette had so many piglets she finally resigned herself to giving her piglets names like Number One, Number Two, Number Three, Number Four, Number Five, Number Six, and Number Seven. To teach them foreign languages she sometimes calls one of her babies by his or her name in a foreign language.

Alfalfa & Fluffit
Alfalfa and Fluffit are young sheep, a little bigger than lambs but not yet grown. If you try to call them lambs you will be bleated at or maybe simply ignored. As you can see, Fluffit hasn’t gotten a haircut in a couple of years. They always can be seen kidsitting their cousin, Clairvoyant the young goat.

Clairvoyant, cousin to Alfalfa & Fluffit, is full of it. He is always playing, jumping, twirling and pretty much being an active little kid, always on the move. He is a real cutie.

Primi DePeru
Primi DePeru is a new addition to the farm. She is a llama and was introduced to keep the sheep and goat company. She is a foreign exchange student and is visiting for a year. She has a very calming affect on Clairvoyant when he gets a little too rambunctious.

Danielle Duck & the Ducklings
Danielle Duck is a sweet, motherly, duck and has four ducklings, Eeney, Teeny, Miney, and Mo. She didn’t name the second oldest one Meeny because she didn’t want to have a baby burdened with a name like that

Carrot and Celery
The two farm cats are twins and you can’t tell them apart. Their names are Carrot and Celery. They are on the farm to keep the rodent population in check.
Sometimes they like to sing, but it is usually off-key.

Sylvester (Sly) Fox
Sly Fox is an ex-criminal turned good-guy detective. Sly loves moovies/Hollywood and is athletic. He exercises regularly and eats well (like smoothies and salads). He has solved many barnyard mysteries, like who took the salt lick from its place on the hill. (It got rained on and melted.) And he helped capture the eggnapping weasel. (Sly placed a small transmitting device into a fake egg in the nest.) On a pleasure train trip to NYC he inadvertently helped capture a jewel thief.

Banty Cici & Banty Jozef
Banty Cici is a white, fuzzie silkie Bantam hen. She is one classy chick with an accent. Her husband, Banty Jozsef, is equally classy and charming.
They are from Austria while their ancestors were originally from Indonesia. They are slightly different in their mannerisms, but very wise. Their last name (or family name) is Banty. In their country the family name comes first. In addition to being admired, they are consulted for their profound opinions about worldly issues.

Schmooz is a neighbor’s cow. The two pastures are side by side. Schmooz is a smooooothie, and likes to “butter” people up. Her introductory story is an explanation of where the term “butter people up” came from… in Candy’s opinion.